100 Questions To Being In Flow With Your Emotions
Great Questions lead to Reflection, Self-Awareness & Growth
100 Question Details
Not in flow with your emotions? These 100 questions end that problem and help you instead, access healthy emotional aliveness
When negative emotions take over, nothing else matters. Your mind loops relentlessly. You feel crummy. It’s so hard just to get through the day.
Or, perhaps you go numb and start to feel dead inside. Either way, one thing’s clear, you need to get out of this emotional stuck place quickly so you can start living again.
But how do you do that? What action should you take?
We’ve found that unequivocally, the answer is: ask yourself great questions.
Basically, you have an emotional undercurrent. When things aren’t flowing properly, one or more emotion can start recirculating or acting out in irrational ways. By knowing the right questions to ask though, a magical thing happens. You learn first, exactly what the stuck place is. This is important because, you can’t get out of any emotional prison if you don’t know what kind of prison it is, that you’re in.
Then, as you continue, these questions free you moment by moment, resolving unconscious issues or devastating wars being carried out in your emotional undercurrent. The end result, is that eventually you arrive at a healthy and alive flow state with your emotions.
These 100 questions are a fun, fascinating, and sublime way to make all that happen.

hese 100 questions are a fun, fascinating, and sublime way to make all that happen.
Use them today, or have them ready to go whenever you feel crummy again. Either way, please don’t waste another precious moment of your life feeling emotionally stuck, when these remarkable questions exist.
Who Are These Questions For?

For you, if any one of the following applies:
- You feel numb
- Or, you feel emotionally repressed
- Or, you feel emotional in overdrive, more so than your life situation warrants
- You struggle with depression, anxiety issues or insomnia
- Therapy isn’t working well enough, or you don’t want to do it
- You’re stuck in a cycle of doing the same thing over and over to feel better, expecting different results that never seem to come
- You want to explore why you feel so emotionally stuck or off
- Positive thinking, breathing exercises, letting go of negativity etc. only offer a temporary fix, and you want something more lasting
- Other methods seem excessive or complicated. You want something simpler
- You’re tired of feeling this way, and want to try something new
- You don’t want to resort to medication, and feel there must be another way
- You’ve reached your limit of feeling bad, and are finally, truly ready to take a look into why
- You want to do this privately

“If you’re in flow with your emotions, everything else follows. You’re in flow with your life. So let’s make sure that happens. “
– Kristen Ulmer
Why These Questions Work
Awareness is power. If you remain unaware of what’s going on in your emotional undercurrent, you remain blind and a victim to that stuck place forever. You remain powerless to change anything.
If you become instead, aware of what’s going on, and exactly what your stuck place is –that’s the first step to being free from your stuck place. The rest follows.
Here’s an example. Let’s say you’ve been clinging to one way of thinking for awhile. It’s like clinging to a riverbank. Or, you may be trying to swim upstream. Water flows all around you, but as a result, all you know is the struggle.
Then, along come these questions. You ask them, and they wake you up. They help you see what you’ve been doing, and why it’s not working. They also offer you an alternative to try something different, that results in a more natural experience. They stop you from resisting the flow, and instead help you merge with the flow.
The best part is: you accomplish all this not by hiring Kristen for thousands of dollars, but instead in the privacy on your own home. You also own this remarkable list of questions, having them always at the ready to help you find your way back to emotional flow, again and again, whenever you’d like.
Here’s What You Learn
- In a gentle way, these highly curated questions get you in touch with what you’ve been fighting, resenting, repressing, ignoring or avoiding, maybe for decades
- They help you see clearly what your relationship is (that’s usually under your radar) with fear, anger, sadness, joy, and even your sexuality
- They help you discover whether and how you’re emotionally stuck, regarding any or all of these
- They break you free from stuck places that are harming your health, relationships and aliveness
- They offer profound ah-ha moments that lead you, with each new question, into a state of flow with all of them, in a natural and healthy way
- They teach you how to stay in flow with them, without the frustration of trying to change, overcome, control or rationalize away anything
- You learn how to flow with your future, ever-changing emotional undercurrent, so you don’t get stuck again
- You learn how to express any emotion that shows up in a mature way, so that it’s not embarrassing, disruptive, or coming across as a sign of weakness
A deep wisdom lies within you, that’s trying to get your attention.
Kristen helps you access
Buy Now
Kristen has helped tens of thousands of clients be in flow with their emotions…
Now it’s your turn
Take advantage of Kristen’s 30+ years of experience boiled down to 100 of the most important and fascinating questions you ever ask yourself. Spend time with them whenever you want to stop your resistance, and wake up to what you’re really feeling. Use them to clear your head, and learn how to feel moved by what you feel in an honest, healthy way.
With these, you calm down fear without trying to override or ignore it. You access the wisdom of your sadness or anger rather than try to push it down or control it. You connect deeply with joy or your sexuality and have it be authentically recognized and available to you, without having to pretend. All this and more becomes available to you, whenever you spend time with these questions.
Also turn these questions into a beautiful practice you have with your partner, children or colleagues to enhance a deeper understanding of each other, leading to greater connection.
Here’s how it works:
STEP 1 : Click the BUY NOW button, then checkout using our secure checkout page
STEP 2 : Create your username and password during the checkout process
STEP 3 : A download link is then emailed to your email address. The questions are also available to download in My Account once you login
STEP 4 : Whenever you’re ready, use these questions to get unstuck and in flow
Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve tried everything to feel emotionally better, and nothing has worked. Why shouldn’t I assume these questions won’t be the same dead end?
Likely you’ve been in your head trying to understand your emotions; where they come from or why they’re showing up in your life in such a way. Likely you’ve also been trying to control them or make them either go away, or turn them into something they’re not.
None of that happens here. Instead, you learn how to access and feel them in an honest way. No more resistance, no more wishing they weren’t so. These questions change everything, and change it so quickly you wish you’d known about them sooner.
Still, if you remain skeptical, reminder: we have a money back guarantee. We do not want to keep your money if these don’t prove to be an exceptional experience.
They sound too good to be true.
They sure do. So do a lot of things that are revolutionary and new. But why don’t you find out for yourself. They’re only $29, and you get your money back if they prove to be anything less than promised.
Why just $29?
If you’re thinking ‘$29 is nothing… what’s the catch?’
Here are two reasons that should put your mind at ease:
1. $29 puts these questions within reach of everyone… from single moms to entrepreneurs and beyond.
2. It also makes sure you’re serious. Kristen only wants to reach people who are truly ready to address and resolve their emotional problems, and in her experience charging anything, even if it’s just a dollar, eliminates 99% of the folks who aren’t.
She also believes that once you experience these questions, you might want more of what she has to offer. And maybe… just maybe… you come back with an even greater curiosity to see what else is possible, with this unique and powerful work.
And that’s it. No fine print…no hidden nasties…no spinning words. Just powerful questions that frees up your emotional undercurrent, and gains you different results than anything you’ve tried before.
Tell me about the money back guarantee
5-week money back guarantee. If you experience the questions and they don’t offer you all they promise and more, send us an email and you get a full refund.
Why should I buy these questions versus talk with a therapist?
Besides the dramatic price difference? Two reasons:
First, when it comes to emotions, conventional talk therapy has you dealing with them intellectually. When a more effective choice is; learning how to deal with them emotionally. Which Kristen helps you do.
Second, Therapists learn about emotions as theory in college. Kristen learned by dealing with extreme emotions, experimenting with exactly what works and what doesn’t, leading her to become the best in the world at something very intense for 12 years. This makes her methods practical, based entirely in experience, and also explains why they work so well. Consider this as you make your choice.
Is Kristen a doctor or therapist?
No. Kristen’s training started with real world experience; being the best in the world at a difficult sport for 12 years, exploring exactly what works and what doesn’t regarding fear and other emotions, in a heightened environment.
Then, she voraciously studied not psychology, but Zen for over 15 years. This is what helped her most of all, establish and solidify her current methods and practices.
Her third credential came from working with over ten thousand clients now, over the last two decades, helping them gain remarkable and proven results.
Do these questions, really work?
YES! Check out Kristen’s testimonials. Plus, once you get into them, it’s so shockingly obvious what the hold back has been for you and what to do instead, you’re surprised you never considered this kind of work before.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes! All of Kristen’s content and training’s have a 5-week, no-questions-asked guarantee.
If you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we give you your money back. We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried, let us put your mind at ease. Either you love the questions and the results you get from them, or you get your money back. It’s that simple.