Fear of Failure Course

Resolve Your Fear or Anxiety Issues

Live Remarkably, Live Freely

Course Details

Discover the tools necessary to make your life extraordinary

Thinking about that career change, promotion, or big move? Then, you catch yourself procrastinating, or daydreaming only of reaching higher in your life. When it comes to action, something just holds you back.

You know intellectually, it’s fear. Maybe you even feel that twinge of tightness in your gut. Either way, you’re stuck, frustrated and struggle with taking risks in career, relationships, sports, inspirations, ideas and more. Yet, time is passing you by. You’re not getting any younger, and you worry you’ll never move forward on your dreams.

If any of this strikes you, you may be surprised to learn that while Fear of Failure holds some people back from pursuing their dreams, other’s claim to be deeply motivated by it.

What’s the difference, you may wonder? And how can you learn how to act with confidence like the people you admire, without so much emotional effort and drama?

This course shows you exactly how to do that. The secrets of confident people who act without hesitation, are found in clear terms here. Learn real and actionable steps to turn your Fear of Failure on its head. This is not more of the same, tired advice you’ve already heard, that doesn’t work past a moment or a day. This is a permanent solution, that offers you clear and measurable results.

Is this the answer?

This course is for you, if you:

  • Want more out of your life
  • Are tired of sitting on your dreams
  • Want to be more of a risk taker
  • Want to feel good emotionally, when you take those risks
  • Want to feel better emotionally more often, in general
  • Haven’t yet found anything, that works
  • Are ready to try an entirely new approach
  • Are truly ready for change
  • Feel willing and excited to deal with this once and for all

If any of these resonate, welcome to your new life and new possibilities. This course is unlike anything you’ve ever tried before. It’s not about pushing through or overcoming anything, like you’ve probably been trying to do for years.

This is about seeing first, in clear terms, exactly what your unique hold back has been (it’s a bad habit you’re in that’s identifiable). Then it’s about starting a better habit, one that’s the secret of millions of very successful people everywhere.

Expect to be blown away by what you learn, and forever changed by this course.

”It’s actually not fear that holds us back. We get that wrong. If you look deeper, it’s our unwillingness to feel fear, that holds us back.“

– Kristen Ulmer


Unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, this is not another course recirculating the same, tired methods you’re used to, which seek to temporarily quell your Fear of Failure or put it out out of your mind.

Instead, this is an extremely fresh, 100% proven to work, last course you ever need to permanently break you free from your struggle with Fear of Failure, so you can finally fulfill your dreams.

Here’s What You Learn

  • Exactly why Fear of Failure holds you back, yet doesn’t seem to affect others
  • What the deeper problem is beneath your Fear of Failure, that you’re not even aware of
  • How to stop the dead-end cycle of merely ‘pushing through’ your fear, which isn’t sustainable
  • Where negative mental chatter comes from, and how to calm it for good (hint, it’s not positive affirmations)
  • Exactly what to do, so you feel comfortable taking more risks
  • How to be more confident in relationships, without having to pretend
  • How to act on your career ideas or desires, without emotional drama
  • How to ignite your potential and motivation, that has been elusive for too long
  • How to get to a place where you feel proud of yourself
  • What to share with your kids about fear, so it never holds them back like it did for you

This fascinating course helps you find what you need, that is personal and relevant to you

Thank you Kristen for letting us all find you. You can’t thank a person enough though for unlocking the truth held within you, and giving me my life back.

Michael Jennings

HOLY SHIT. The world seems different. Thank you so much! I’m still in awe of how it has been helping me.

Nora Dekeyser

Wow. Just wow. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I’d emerge from this past weekend as I have. Wow. I feel like I have received a special present from you.

Cynthia Aherne

I didn’t say it clearly, but after 30 years of failed experiments, I’m finally out of the desperation arena. I feel pretty well now and am optimistic.

Dave Schrader

You are doing groundbreaking work. I have done lots and lots counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, drugs (started and stopped), psychiatric care, and two 10 day Vipassana meditation courses. You take it further. I have struggled with for years, waking up 40 times a night. now my anxiety dreams have calmed down.

Bobby Fenton

The May 2022 What’s Next call addressed addictions. One of Kristen’s examples was sugar. It really clicked for me and I’ve cut out desserts. (I know processed foods still contain it, but just saying no to candy, etc. is still a big win on many levels!) Thank you, Kristen!

Dave Schrader

This is the only thing that I’ve found that works.

Jacquetta Wier

I feel like my brain has been “rewired” in a positive way that is working for me.

Jana Zediker

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Course Breakdown

Your Freedom from Fear of Failure Adventure Begins NOW

This adventure is designed to last 5 weeks

This adventure is designed to last 5 weeks. It’s a comfortable experience throughout. The first week take about one hour per day of your time. The final four weeks, take only a few minutes per day.

Week 1 – Your Journey Begins

Here’s where you learn the fundamentals that Kristen uses with all her clients.

This is not a one-size-fits-all week. Each day you experience highly entertaining, interview-style videos plus follow up worksheets, where you witness and speak to different aspects of yourself.

By doing this, you explore your own unique relationship with fear, breaking it down into a series of ah-ha moments, one after another. Prepare to be very fascinated by what you learn.

Program Introduction, Sessions 1 and 2

After the important Intro video, Session 1 explains the facilitation process we use throughout the course. Session 2 ignites the process and offers you first-step insights into your own unique hold back. You end the hour perplexed, realizing this is very different, and excited to learn more.

Sessions 3 and 4

Today you become clear about how your own unique mind works and influences the root of your Fear of Failure issue. You get to know yourself in ways you never imagined. From this day on, nothing is ever the same.

Sessions 5 and 6

Today you start to experience and explore deeper insights, including how to get out of your head and into your body where your fear and other emotions live. It’s the point of no return. With this, you’re setting up to experience fear in a completely new way.

Sessions 7 and 8

The most powerful experience regarding fear that you ever have, now all becomes revealed. This utterly fascinating day is the tipping point for turning your Fear of Failure around, forever.

Session 9

A touching day to integrate what you’ve learned so far, and see the bigger picture from a new set of curious and powerful eyes.

Sessions 10 and 11

Breaking it down into clear, concise terms, in Session 10 Kristen summarizes all you’ve experienced thus far, answering remaining questions you have. In Session 11, you explore other possible holds backs that might keep you stuck, as a way to get unstuck and best prepared for the month to come.

Session 12, plus the Ad-On video

Today you learn new action steps that you’ve ever consider or heard about before. This is preparation for tomorrow, when you start your new 30-day, few-minutes-a-day practice.

Over the month, these action steps morph into your new habit around how you deal with Fear of Failure. Tomorrow, your new life begins.


Weeks 2-5: In-Action Practice Phase – Expect to Gain Results Right Away

Over the next four weeks, based on what you learned in the first week, you incorporate personalized exercises and methodologies into your everyday life –ones you’ve never tried before.

A few minutes of these per day result in immediate, real changes and results. Including feelings of calm and freedom, plus a readiness to act on your ideas and take more risks without emotional drama. The exercises that Kristen provides are so effective, in fact, plan to be amazed you never thought to do them before.

They resolve your Fear of Failure right right away, or slowly over the month, putting you on the direct path toward being the person you are meant to be. There’s also a bonus step to turn your now healthy fear into an asset, helping you bring your A-game to everything that you do.


Note: There are troubleshooting and multiple bonus videos in the course as well, making sure all is covered. This is a very thorough course, and you always have what you need (and so much more) at your fingertips.

Course Samples

Here’s Everything You Get When You Enroll

24 videos, each leading you to greater awareness

Audio versions of all videos

Interview style experiences – Kristen asks you questions directly

16 engaging, interactive worksheets (in PDF and video versions)

Weekly reminder emails

$499 value Course, for this Exclusive pricing of $249, for a limited time

Buy Now

Kristen has helped tens of thousands of clients’ ease-fully and permanently turn their emotional issues around…

Now it’s your turn

She helps you unravel what the actual problem is, currently different than what you think and living under your radar. Then offers you a clear, revolutionary solution to your Fear of Failure that’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. This course is very fascinating, very thorough, and something to practice on your own time, in the privacy of your own home, in your own way.

Each video takes you on an entertaining, step by step, personalized journey that immediately helps you feel better about your self, your life and the world at large. It turns your Fear of Failure from that of a hold back into a motivating force in your life, leading you to act on your ideas with ease. All this, or you get your money back. We do not want to keep your money if this doesn’t help you.

As a bonus, this course also profoundly changes your perspective on just about everything. It provides such a rich re-boot and education on what to do about emotions in general, you never see yourself, your own mind, fear, anxiety, or life itself the same way again.

Here are the action steps to get started:

STEP 1 : Click the Buy Now button, then checkout using our secure checkout page

STEP 2 : You receive a login link immediately after checkout

STEP 3 : Whenever you’re ready to begin, using the link you were sent, visit the home page or access the course from My Account

STEP 4 : Transform your life by getting started right away

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Monthly Payment!


Frequently Asked Questions

Most methods you’ve likely tried to deal with Fear of Failure are about calming down fear for a moment or day. The effects never last, and actually turns out –they even exacerbate the issue. Which is why Kristen doesn’t support these methods.

Also, you’ve likely never been given a clear explanation of what the underlying core issue even is, or where it comes from. It probably remains a mystery.

With this course though, the mystery ends. It becomes crystal clear to you –the root of the hold back (which is different than you think). And, the solution is not more futile efforts to override fear. It’s not about overcoming anything. It’s not about rationalizing away anything. It’s not about replacing negative with positive. It’s not about trying to change who you are.

Instead, this is a bottom up reveal. You see that you’re in a bad habit is all, probably learned in childhood. Then you learn how to create a better habit. One that’s a lot easier to navigate than the habit you have now.

You’ve never seen advice or an approach to life and fear, like this before. And, because there’s a money back guarantee, heck –give it a go. You have nothing to lose.

Sure does. So do a lot of things that are revolutionary and new. But why don’t you find out for yourself? It’s only $249, and you get your money back if it proves to be anything less than it promises.

If you’re thinking “$249 is nothing to solve a problem that seems this huge, especially compared to the tens of thousands I could spend with a therapist or doing retreats. What’s the catch?”

Here are two reasons that should put your mind at ease:

1. $249 puts this information within reach of everyone… from single moms to entrepreneurs and beyond.

2. It makes sure you’re serious. Kristen only wants to reach people who are truly ready to address and resolve their fear, chronic anxiety or related emotional issue. If this is you, $249 is enough to show us you’re serious, and ready. Plus, it’s enough that you actually engage in the course, rather than have it sit in your inbox while you continue to suffer.

If you’re undecided between the two courses, that means that you struggle with both Fear of Failure and Chronic Anxiety.

Understandable, as there is a connecting factor in that both issues come from how you deal (or don’t deal) with your everyday fear. Because of this, the first week of both courses start out exactly the same. However, the final month of practice, is very different.

Given this, we’ve made it possible for you to add the second course at check out for an additional $49 so you can first address one issue, then the other. Yes, what we’re saying is you can experience both courses for only $49 more.

So, just pick a course, add the second at check out, then get started with the one that speaks to you most. Once you’re done, for the second course you do not have to repeat the first week. You can cut right to the final Ad-On videos and practice those exercises next.

Note: this $49 offer is only given at check out. You cannot come back later and try to buy it for this greatly reduced price. So take advantage now, and enjoy.

YES! Check out her testimonials. Plus, once it all gets broken down, it’s so shockingly clear what the problem has been for you and what to do instead, plan to be surprised you never thought of this before.

Two reasons. First, talking and thinking about fear, alas, only keeps you in a loop in your head dealing with it intellectually, trying to put an elusive and ever-changing puzzle together. You can get lost in that process forever.

Instead, fear is meant to be dealt with emotionally, which is more simple.

Second, Therapists either learn about fear as theory in college or from hearsay. Making Kristen the leading authority on fear worldwide for a reason. With her, you experience cutting edge info from someone who dealt with a tremendous amount of fear, learning exactly what works and what doesn’t, leading her to become the best in the world at something very difficult. Consider this as you make your choice.

No. Kristen’s training started with real world experience; being the best in the world at a difficult sport for 12 years, exploring exactly what works and what doesn’t regarding fear and other emotions, in a heightened environment.

Then, she voraciously studied not psychology, but Zen for over 15 years. This is what helped her most of all, establish and solidify her current methods and practices.

Her third credential came from working with over ten thousand clients now, over the last two decades, helping them gain remarkable and proven results.

Yes. All of Kristen’s content and training’s have a 5-week, no-questions-asked guarantee.

If you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we give you your money back. We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried, let us put your mind at ease. Either you get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s that simple.

We offer a 5-week money back guarantee. If you experience this course and it doesn’t offer you all it promises and more, send us an email and you get a full refund.