If any of the above interest you, and you prefer working with Kristen live, please join her for one of the following:

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100 Questions To Being In Flow With Your Emotions

When negative emotions take over, nothing else matters. Your mind loops relentlessly. You feel crummy. It’s so hard just to get through the day. Or, perhaps you go numb and start to feel dead inside. Either way, one thing’s clear, you need to get out of this emotional prison as soon as possible so you can start living again. But how do you do that? What action should you take? Learn More

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The Art of Fear Accountability Email Support

Receive one email a week for a month

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Live Event

Ask Kristen Support Phone Calls

Start Your New Fear Practice If you have anxiety or other emotional issues, it’s the worse feeling in the world. Maybe you wonder; not everyone struggles like this. Does this mean there’s something wrong with me?If so, what is it?Learn More

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Online Course

Chronic Anxiety

Do you have an anxiety issue that consumes too much of your life? Do you worry you have to feel this way and manage this problem forever? If yes, it can be so frustrating. You know something’s wrong, but you don’t know what it is. You’ve tried many methods to feel better. Some work a bit, others don’t at all. But nothing addresses or resolves the underlying cause of the anxiety. Learn More

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Online Product

100 Questions To Being In Flow With Your Emotions

When negative emotions take over, nothing else matters. Your mind loops relentlessly. You feel crummy. It’s so hard just to get through the day. Or, perhaps you go numb and start to feel dead inside. Either way, one thing’s clear, you need to get out of this emotional prison as soon as possible so you can start living again. But how do you do that? What action should you take? Learn More

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Ski Event Not Alumni

Test Ski Camp

Rated by 95% of Attendees To Be One of The Best Ski Experiences of Their LivesJoin Kristen Jan 26-28, 2023, at Alta Utah, for a fun and powerful weekend to learn, first of all, how to deal with fear and anxiety such that it no longer holds you back.Next, experience her 4-step process to access flow states, transforming your ski experience into what you always hoped it could be.Learn More

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The Art of Fear 6-session Interactive Webinar Series Jan 2019

Jan 8, Jan 15, Jan 22, Jan 29, 2019 90 Min each, 6:00 MST (5:00 PST, 8:00 EST)

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Post Traumatic Stress


Do you have trauma-related stress that consumes too much of your life? If yes, likely you’ve tried many approaches to feel better. Some work a bit, others don’t at all. But what’s so frustrating is, they only help you feel better for a moment or day. And if you stop, the stress just comes right back. Plus, you’re not even clear why you have PTS(D) in the first place, when others who’ve gone through similar trauma don’t. Learn More

Post Traumatic Stress Course

Address and Resolve Your Fear or Anxiety Issues

Course Details

Get out of this bad cycle. Discover how to resolve your PTS/PTSD, for good

Do you have trauma-related stress that consumes too much of your life? If yes, likely you’ve tried many approaches to feel better. Some work a bit, others don’t at all. But what’s so frustrating is, they only help you feel better for a moment or day. And if you stop, the stress just comes right back.

Plus, you’re not even clear why you have PTS(D) in the first place, when others who’ve gone through similar trauma don’t.

You worry you’ll never get answers. And you worry you’ll remain stuck in this relentless cycle only managing symptoms your whole life.

Well, here’s some great news. Times have changed. Today there are answers, and there is a way out. Perhaps you’re heard about the amazing results coming from MDMA trials? Or, if you don’t want to wait any longer, want to address this privately, or don’t want to take a strong hallucinogen, there’s also this course,.

Leading you on a similar journey without the drugs, this course does not recycle the same methods you’ve already tried that don’t offer the results you seek.

Instead, it includes fascinating videos, facilitated exercises and targeted action steps 100% geared toward taking you into, through and permanently out the other side of your PTS(D).

This revolutionary guide offers you an experience that doesn’t just make you feel better today, but actually resolves your trauma stress for good.

Is this what you’re looking for?

This course is for you, if you experience any of the following:

Ongoing, upsetting thoughts

A desire to avoid people, places or situations

Mental or emotional hyper-arousal or sensitivity

Or conversely, an inability to feel anything

Difficulty concentrating

Excessive anxiety

Physical aches and pains, that seem tied to emotions

Numbness or distance from life

Rigidity or stoniness

Excessive anger

Irrational fear, or conversely – no fear at all



Depression associated with any of this

Whatever your struggle, because PTS(D) shows up differently for each of us, know this is not a one-size-fits-all course. It offers you unique, ah-ha moments that are relevant only to you. It helps you understand what’s going on that you have PTS(D) in the first place. Then, it leads you on a step by step journey to resolving your unique form of trauma stress and associated suffering, for good.

This happens, or you get your money back.

“After a stressful situation, you feel inevitable Fear and other emotions. If you fight these, you fight yourself and the nature of life itself, which prolongs the suffering. “

– Kristen Ulmer

Why It Works

Once you become open and curious about your undealt-with emotions, things change and they change fast.

PTS(D) is an emotional issue that’s too often dealt with intellectually, from the top-down. Talking and thinking about the issue, does not resolve it. Instead, it must be dealt with emotionally, from the bottom-up. Kristen shows you exactly how to do that.

Here’s what it looks like; together in a non-threatening way, she helps you get in touch with trauma related emotions that you’ve repressed / stored into your body, that now cause either obvious or disjointed ongoing problems in your life.

It does not require you to go back in time to relive anything. Nor does it involve complicated re-programming of your brain. Nor does it involve taking drugs. Instead, Kristen helps you broker an intimate conversation with these buried emotions, which changes everything. 

It works like this: consider MDMA. The drug removes your resistance to certain emotions and the trauma associated with them, so you can finally have gentle access to them. With resistance removed, only curiosity remains, and you find the emotions you’ve been avoiding are not as challenging as previously imagined.

As your curiosity continues; imagine that you’ve been living with an upset child (an emotion). That child has been jumping up and down trying to get your attention, maybe for years! By finally spending quality time with it, having a ‘conversation’ with it, pretty quickly it calms right down (like children do when they finally get attention). They simply run out of things to say.

Together without the drug, this is what you and Kristen explore, step by step, in this ease-ful, engaging and precise course. And, no matter how deeply ingrained your suffering is, it works.

This IS the solution you’ve been hoping for.

Here’s What You Learn

  • An explanation of why past trauma keeps recirculating for you
  • Why your stress shows up the specific ways it does, unique only to you
  • What you’ve been doing to make it worse, that you’re not aware of
  • How to get out of the relentless cycle of mere symptom-control
  • How to stop the negative loop in your head, using methods you’ve never tried before
  • How to get into your body, which is such a relief
  • How to feel alive again
  • How to become immersed in your life again
  • Exact steps leading to a permanent solution, ending your PTS(D) and associated suffering for good
  • Once this occurs, further steps to ensure you don’t fall back into old patterns
  • How to deal with future trauma, so you don’t develop PTS(D) again
  • How to raise your kids so they’re not prone to PTS(D) as well

A deep wisdom lies within you, that’s jumping up and down trying to get your attention.

Kristen helps you access it.

Thank you for being so brave and saying it all so clearly in the PTSD course video. I know that fewer words and clearer statements like that often come from a LOT of work. I let our 8-year-old watch part of it with me. She was completely taken with it. She made a comment about how different it was than other “self help.” I think because you were making such clear, solid, true statements.

Today at work the immediate feedback that I received was that I looked less stressed and that I was smiling with my entire being. Wow! Thank you so much for everything. I am so very grateful. What a glorious gift.

It’s been a few weeks and I can’t believe the difference it has made. I am truly a changed man. I have you to thank for that.

I’ve not had a teacher like this before; never let it in that far and I wish not to squander the understanding.

A vicious circle had been broken. My wheel is unstuck. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU.

I felt like this formerly insurmountable weight had been lifted off of my chest. I’ve never felt more at peace.

Thank you hughly for all that you gave to us and everybody in that clinic. It was just absolutely amazing. It’s not only a once in a lifetime experience but just from a teaching perspective some of the things you did were just really astonishing.

It was a really amazing, life-changing experience.

All I have to say is WOW! What an amazing experience!! Kristen, Thank YOU for being so wonderful to have the vision and foresight to put a program like this together. You are truly making an impact to the population one by one.

I know this has already begun to profoundly change my life. There is much work for me to do but I look forward to every moment.

Course Breakdown

Your Freedom from PTS(D) Adventure, Begins Now

Don’t spend another moment suffering like this, when such a course exists


This adventure is designed to last 5 weeks

Note, it’s a comfortable experience throughout. The first week takes about one hour per day of your time. The final four weeks, take a few minutes per day.

Week 1 – Your Journey Begins

Here’s where you learn the fundamental tools that Kristen uses with all her clients.

This is not a one-size fits all journey. Each day you experience entertaining interview-style videos and follow up worksheets, where you witness and speak to different aspects of yourself.

By doing this, you explore your own unique journey that has resulted in PTS(D), dissecting it in a series of ah-ha moments, one after another. (Note: This has nothing to do with exploring your trauma from the past.)

Prepare to be fascinated by what you learn.

Weeks 2-5: In-Action Practice Phase – Expect to Gain Results Right Away

Over the next four weeks, you incorporate targeted exercises and methodologies into your everyday life; ones you’ve never tried before.

A few minutes per day of these and you know you’re on the right path. Your new practice leads to either immediate real changes and results; including better sleep, feeling clear headed and release from what has been holding you hostage. Or it takes a bit longer, as you slowly and gently bring the underlying emotions to the surface to sort them out during the month or beyond. Either way, the exercises that Kristen provides are so effective, plan to be amazed that you never thought to do them before. Keep it up, they’re what resolves your PTS(D), once and for all.

Over time as you continue to practice them, they also become your new norm and source of ongoing growth. Thus, not only are you set free from that burden you carried before, but also on course to handle any future emotional trauma. They become the very practice that helps you stay in emotional flow, so you can be free to become the person you were meant to be.

Note: There are troubleshooting and multiple bonus videos in the course as well, making sure all is covered. This is a very thorough course, and you always have what you need (and so much more) at your fingertips.

Course Samples

Here’s Everything You Get When You Enroll

24 ground-breaking interactive videos

Audio Versions of all videos

Interview-Style Videos – Kristen asks you questions directly

16 fun, interactive worksheets in both pdf and video versions

Weekly reminder emails

$499 value Course, for this Exclusive pricing of $249, for a limited time

Buy Now

Kristen has helped tens of thousands of clients’ ease-fully and permanently turn their emotional issues around…
Now it’s your turn

Kristen helps you unravel what the actual root problem is, living under your radar.  She offers you a clear, revolutionary solution to your PTS(D), that’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. This course is fascinating, engaging, thorough, and something to practice on your own time, in the privacy of your own home, in your own way.

Each video is a step-by-step journey into, through and out the other side of your PTS(D). No more do you have to only manage symptoms. Instead as you practice the steps she outlines, this is a solution, intending to end your trauma stress for good.

But, it doesn’t stop there. This course also changes your perspective on just about everything. It provides such a rich re-boot and education on what to do about emotions in general, that you never see yourself, other people, trauma, any emotion or the world the same way again.

And if it doesn’t offer you all this and more, you get your money back.

Here’s how to sign up:

STEP 1 : Click the Buy Now button, then checkout using our secure checkout page

STEP 2 : You receive a login link immediately after checkout

STEP 2 : Whenever you’re ready to begin, visit the home page and login via the link you were sent
or access the course from My Account

STEP 4 : Begin experiencing from day one, the real life changes that this course offers

Buy Now
Freedom From Post Traumatic Stress (Disorder) Don’t wait on this, get started now.

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