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100 Questions To Being In Flow With Your Emotions

When negative emotions take over, nothing else matters. Your mind loops relentlessly. You feel crummy. It’s so hard just to get through the day. Or, perhaps you go numb and start to feel dead inside. Either way, one thing’s clear, you need to get out of this emotional prison as soon as possible so you can start living again. But how do you do that? What action should you take? Learn More

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Start Your New Fear Practice If you have anxiety or other emotional issues, it’s the worse feeling in the world. Maybe you wonder; not everyone struggles like this. Does this mean there’s something wrong with me?If so, what is it?Learn More

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Chronic Anxiety

Do you have an anxiety issue that consumes too much of your life? Do you worry you have to feel this way and manage this problem forever? If yes, it can be so frustrating. You know something’s wrong, but you don’t know what it is. You’ve tried many methods to feel better. Some work a bit, others don’t at all. But nothing addresses or resolves the underlying cause of the anxiety. Learn More

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Online Product

100 Questions To Being In Flow With Your Emotions

When negative emotions take over, nothing else matters. Your mind loops relentlessly. You feel crummy. It’s so hard just to get through the day. Or, perhaps you go numb and start to feel dead inside. Either way, one thing’s clear, you need to get out of this emotional prison as soon as possible so you can start living again. But how do you do that? What action should you take? Learn More

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Ski Event Not Alumni

Test Ski Camp

Rated by 95% of Attendees To Be One of The Best Ski Experiences of Their LivesJoin Kristen Jan 26-28, 2023, at Alta Utah, for a fun and powerful weekend to learn, first of all, how to deal with fear and anxiety such that it no longer holds you back.Next, experience her 4-step process to access flow states, transforming your ski experience into what you always hoped it could be.Learn More

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The Art of Fear 6-session Interactive Webinar Series Jan 2019

Jan 8, Jan 15, Jan 22, Jan 29, 2019 90 Min each, 6:00 MST (5:00 PST, 8:00 EST)

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The ABC’s to Feeling Emotion


Learn how to feel your feelings and emotions, they say. But you don’t even know where to start. You’ve gotten into a bad habit or have been a certain way for so long, becoming a touchy-feely person, well, it seems that’s not going to happen. Regardless, you know how you are is not working for you, or for your loved ones. You know you’re not fully living, nor feeling truly alive. You’re tired of being emotionally frustrated and incapable to accessing what you feel. You’re only getting older and more stuck in your ways, and can’t imagine what ‘figuring this out’ even looks like. Learn More

ABC Guide To Feeling Emotion

Address Your Emotional Issues

ABC Guide Details

If you have a hard time feeling just about anything, discover the tools necessary to turn that around

Learn how to feel your feelings and emotions, they say. But you don’t even know where to start. You’ve gotten into a bad habit or have been a certain way for so long, becoming a touchy-feely person, well, it seems that’s not going to happen.

Regardless, you know how you are is not working for you, or for your loved ones. You know you’re not fully living, nor feeling truly alive. You’re tired of being emotionally frustrated and incapable to accessing what you feel. You’re only getting older and more stuck in your ways, and can’t imagine what ‘figuring this out’ even looks like.

Don’t go another moment with such a mindset though, when this ABC Guide exists. Welcome to your 7-day, step by step guide to help you –especially if you don’t even know where to start– learn how to feel whatever you feel or needs your attention. It offers a crawl, then walk, before-you-can-run ease-ful and fascinating adventure to get you out of any conditioned pattern of emotional repression, and into a more-ready place.

Your life and aliveness begins today, but only once you embark on this journey. If you don’t embark, you only remain stuck forever.

Who is this ABC Guide Designed for?

This is the right experience for you, if any of the following apply:

You’re frustrated that you just can’t seem to access what it is, that you feel

People say all the time, you seem emotionally distant, and that bothers you

You feel numb, not fully present, or not fully alive

You’re worried though, if you make a change, what emotional states might be revealed

Yet, change must occur. What used to work for you, no longer does

Some hold back is affecting your life in a negative way

You don’t want to lose your chance at really living

You’re depressed or close to depression

Everything you’ve tried so far, hasn’t worked

Therapy doesn’t help much, or you don’t want to do it

You know there’s more to life, but wonder where to even start

You want to live a more expressive or even vulnerable life

You want to explore this in a private way

You have a loved one who struggles with any of the above, and you want to help them

 When you’re out of touch with your emotions, you’re out of touch with yourself and out of touch with aliveness. It’s the worse feeling in the world- –this lack of feeling.

– Kristen Ulmer

Why This Works

No one has taken the time to walk you through the little details of learning to feel, until now

No matter if you’ve always been this way, or if you’ve grown into the habit of not being able to fully feel –that’s a sign that you’re living in your head (hint: most of us are). Likely this is a learned behavior that allows you to avoid having to feel unpleasant emotions.

It can be unlearned here though. And it must, if you ever hope to feel more present and truly alive.

During your ABC week, you start by exploring the distinct differences between your mind and your body –between thoughts and emotions. It’s a simple and fascinating education, with Kristen by your side every step of the way.

Next, you learn how to get out of your head and into your body, as that’s where emotions live. Only by doing this, can they begin to speak to you.

Now, It’s not as hard or scary as it sounds. It’s actually a relief for two reasons. First, because you finally have moments of freedom from incessant thoughts. Second, because you access your emotions in a non-threatening way. Which, if you’re used to avoiding them because they’re seen as bad, can be life-changing. 

But all this won’t happen, until and unless you get started with your step-by-step week. So don’t wait a moment longer, needlessly stuck in your head and out of touch with the energy found in your emotions. Keep reading. 

What Do I Learn?

This is a staggering journey into feeling itself, from the ground up. To start, you learn how to be present and feel things externally, merely as input from the world around you. After a few days, you shift to your internal world, and notice different emotions and where they live in your body. As you do this the surprise being, these emotions, even the ones deemed ‘negative,’ do not feel threatening to you in any way.

Step by step then, by the end of the week, you feel more alive and present than you have ever felt. You can stop there, or use this experience to next address an emotional stuck place, including PTS(D), depression, or too much anxiety, fear, anger or sadness etc in a more effective way.

You also learn:

  • Why your mind is so sticky, and what to do about it
  • Why you became emotionally stuck in the first place, it’s different than what you think
  • What your unique payoff is for remaining emotionally stuck, which is hard to give up
  • How to give up that payoff, allowing for a better future
  • How to get out of your mind and into your body, where emotions live
  • Where and how emotions speak, once you know how to listen
  • Where and how emotional trauma gets stored in your body
  • How to listen to your physical aches and pains, in an entirely new way
  • What it takes to be vulnerable in a non-threatening way
  • A new approach to life itself, that dramatically changes your future for the better
  • How to be authentically who you really are, finally and with ease
  • How to not fall back into habitual patterns, once the week is over

A deep wisdom lies within you, that’s jumping up and down trying to get your attention

Kristen helps you access it.

I seem to have a whole new perspective.

Thank you. You have helped more than you will ever know.

So much has come up for me, and continues to come up for me. Thank you again…for so many things.

I really do feel like I have a road map for the next fifty years!

I’ve not had a teacher like this before; never let it in that far and I wish not to squander the understanding.

Thanks Kristen for truly original, wonderful, productive, awe inspiring, soul searching, healthy and magical (teachings). I’m left with a whole lot to think about and to feel about!

I came away with so many interesting thoughts about life and emotions and openness. First step – recognition. Next step – finding my own means of expressing this in a healthy way.

I feel that something switched for me and I was shown a new way to see the world and myself.

Kristen, I am amazed and I never use the word. THANK YOU. This rocks Kristen, you have hit it.

It’s been a few weeks and I can’t believe the difference it has made. It allows me to approach life situations with a much more open mind, thus creating more fluid and successful outcomes. I’m no longer feeling anxiety or stress around decisions. I am truly a changed man. I have you to thank for that.

Course Samples

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Kristen has helped over tens thousand clients finally, ease-fully learn how to feel their emotions…
Now it’s your turn

You’re about to embark on one of the most important weeks of your life, where you wake up to how you feel in an authentic way. True living and full aliveness, begins the moment you start. So, don’t stay stuck for even a moment longer. You can’t do this on your own, it must be learned properly and with guidance. Get on this train now, and let Kristen take you there.

Here’s how it works:

STEP 1 : Click the Buy Now button, then checkout using our secure checkout page

STEP 2 :  Create your username and password during the checkout process

STEP 3 : A download link is emailed to your email address. Then guide then remains always available to download in My Account

STEP 4 : Whenever you’re ready, start your remarkable week of transformation

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Don’t wait on this, get started now.

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