
The Art of Fear 2-day Live Event in Salt Lake City

This remarkable experience will take you into, through and out the other side of any stuck place in a dynamic, fun and non threatening way, and set you free to be more successful, alive and ready to move forward on your next great idea. This camp is designed to permanently help you:

  • address stuck places in your undercurrent, and set you free
  • address and resolve the root of problems such as: irrational fear, or depression, or PTSD, panic attacks, chronic anxiety, anger issues, under performing in sports or business, indecisiveness, self-esteem issues, difficulty getting along friends or family, numbness, lack of motivation and more -all of which are tied to how you deal with fear and anxiety
  • show you in no uncertain terms, exactly what it takes to feel emotionally great, all the time (it’s different than you think)
  • end insomnia
  • access your true self, finally and permanently, beneath all the layers
  • end overthinking
  • be in flow, allowing you to fully pursue your great ideas to fruition
  • leverage fear into success

This camp is unlike any experience you have had before. You will leave feeling refreshed, crystal clear about the next steps to take in your relationships, career and more, armed with a road map to accessing complete quality of your remaining life. This camp offers all it promises and more, or you get your money back.  We don’t want to keep your money if you don’t feel this wasn’t the experience you needed and hoped for. 

Early Bird Sign Up Bonus


100 Questions To Being In Flow With Your Emotions

100 questions download designed to help raise your awareness about your relationship with not just fear, but all of your emotions. These 100 questions will:

  • In a nonthreatening way, help you get in touch with what you’ve been ignoring or avoiding, maybe for decades
  • Help you clearly see your relationship with fear, anger, sadness, joy or your sexuality, in no uncertain terms
  • Help you get unstuck from repressive emotional patterns that are harming your health, relationships and productivity
  • Show you exactly how to access, and feel your emotions in an honest way
  • Show you exactly how to express them in a mature way such that they’re not embarrassing, or come across as a sign of weakness, but rather feel and come across as a sign of aliveness, wisdom and clarity

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Money Back Guarantee

30 day money back guarantee. If you experienced the course in full and it doesn’t offer you all it promised and more, write and tell us about your experience. You will get a full refund.